While it's been quiet here on the blog, I've been slowly but surely sewing away. This little quilt was finished at the beginning of the year. I'd started it in the fall for Jenna to use during her kindergarten napping time. However, not long after school started, the teacher decided to have the kids just put their heads on their desks at nap time. Without a deadline, I wasn't in a huge hurry but picked it back up again after the holidays.
Even though this was a simple quilt I wanted to try a few new things. I knew right off the bat I wanted to start with a Sherbet Pips charm pack and add other fabrics from my stash. I found a couple of other prints and some Kona solids to mix in.
My favorite print from Sherbet Pips is the girl on the swing. I had a tree swing in my back yard when I was about that age and I remember swinging when my mom put laundry on the line or worked in the garden or the flower beds. It's Jenna's favorite print too and I just happened to buy more than enough yardage when my sister was visiting last Easter (miss you sis!).
One of my other goals was to try finishing my binding with the sewing machine instead of by hand. I almost changed my mind when I started and then almost ripped it out after I did the first side. In the end, I went ahead and finished and while I don't love it I'm still glad I tried it. My mom and friend Darcy gave me a few tips I'll try next time. I can see where it would be handy for quilts that get washed a lot. I'm just impatient and want to be as good as my mom is at making it look so nice.

I made 2 1/2 inch binding instead of my usual 2 1/4 to give myself some extra wiggle room. In some places it was way too much but I still managed to miss the binding in a few other spots and had to go back and stitch it down.
Jenna and I tried to chase the sun for several days back in January but kept missing it! So we gave up and took photos anyway and she we a great helper.
It's been put to good use in the mornings before school and as small as it is, I've seen her and Roy cuddled under it together watching television and I've even read a little with my feet tucked under it. This is our Valentine tea after school in February. I surprised Jenna with her little friends waiting for her when she came home from school. She was so tickled!