Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Night Sewing

There was a time when Friday night meant dinner out with friends, maybe a movie or a gallery exhibit afterwards. I still get that sense of anticipation on Friday afternoons and we considered taking Jenna to a photography exhibit this evening but the reality is that Jenna's exhausted from her first full wonderful week of school so were taking it easy with a family movie night.
Bloom Strong Binding

Which means I am determined to finish the binding on this quilt tonight while Rio entertains us all. I'm declaring it to the world so I can deliver this gift before the my friend's sweet girl graduates from college! Well, she's only seven months old, but good grief, this quilt isn't that difficult.
Basic Grey Grunge Fabrics

I'm in love with Basic Grey's Christmas fabrics. I've been collecting pieces for quite awhile now to make a particular quilt. I think I have enough fabric now for three quilts and just added these Grunge solids to the collection. So I'd better get cutting if I want to enjoy them this Christmas.

So that's what this mom is doing on a wild and crazy Friday night. The good new is, I actually have a REAL date with my husband lined up for this weekend and next weekend too. I can't wait! We might be making this a habit ;)

I'd love to hear what you're all up to this weekend!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

stopped by the grocery on the way home from work (and bought the obligatory case of bottled water etc - yes chocolate and wine); then the ABC store for some all important Captain Morgan, to go with the Coke; and then the gas station - the cars were 3 deep at every pump! I am officially prepared for Hurricane Irene! I live west of Washington DC - so will probably just get LOTS of rain and mild winds - at least that's what I'm hoping. Will spend all day tomorrow sewing though! Have a grand weekend - laurie


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