I headed off to Kansas City last night to hear Angela Walters present some of the quilts she quilted for Tula Pink and to discuss her quilting process. Angela's quilting is just amazing and it was so interesting to hear how she approaches a quilt and how she decides what designs to quilt.
Quite a few members have collaborated with Angela on their quilts and we've gotten to see them over the past year. But what a treat to see her quilting on Tula's beautiful fabric and quilt designs! Jacquie from Tallgrass Prairie Studio has also worked with Angela and you can see some examples here and here. Jacquie's Selvage Quilt is probably my all time favorite quilt, both for the quilt top and the quilting. I'm a big lover of historical architecture and something about this quilt brings to mind beautiful architectural elements that I've taken a thousand photos of over the years. All of these links show details of Angela's work...you'll enjoy taking a look.
Members could bring a quilt top and ask Angela for quilting ideas on their particular project. Not only did we get to see some inspiring quilts but also got tons and tons of quilting ideas for both beginning and experienced quilters. I brought this quilt to share and have enough ideas that I might try to quilt it myself in something other than straight lines.
Next month, Alissa Carlton will be visiting our guild all the way from California. She blogs at Handmade by Alissa and is co-author of Block Party--The Modern Quilting Bee: The Journey of 12 Women, 1 Blog, & 12 Improvisational Projects. How cool is that!?
how cool is that - to ask angela for quilting ideas! i met shea at the LAMQG meeting earlier this month, and saw the kaffe fasset inspired quilt that angela quilted for her, and it was AMAZING! y'all have some serious talent in your guild!
You'll enjoy Shea. She is so sweet, kind and friendly! You'll enjoy getting to know her. I'm thinking LAMQG will be her home away from home for a while. I'm guessing you have some pretty awesome talent in LAMQG too!
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