Monday, May 23, 2011

May Giveaway Day 2011

Hello friends! If you are visiting from Sew, Mama, Sew!....Welcome! I'm Melissa and I started this little blog a while back to share sewing projects with my own Mama (and Dad, and sister) who all live a couple days away in Tennessee. I've had fun making new friends in the blogging world and connecting with other quilters here in Kansas along the way.
Some of you remember "Seeing {Pink} Squares" that I made following the Seeing Squares Pattern designed by Shea from Empty Bobbin Sewing Studio. I thought I'd share a few more details and then offer you a little giveaway.
Here's a photo I took quickly one afternoon when the sun finally peeked out for a bit.
And this is the pieced back. If you've never tried a pieced back, Shea gives suggestions for a pieced back from leftover blocks complete with measurements and diagrams that make piecing pretty quick and easy.
Here's a closer look.
 Angela Walters quilted it and did an amazing job. Here are a few special spots that are accented with her very cool quilting designs.

I made a smaller version (48" x 56") of this quilt for my daughter and Paula made the beautiful solid quilt (60" x 84") on the pattern's cover. 

Shea kindly offered a pattern for me to giveaway to one of you lucky readers. You'll love her patterns! They are printed in color and have easy to follow directions and awesome illustrations throughout.

It's easy to play...
just leave a comment about your plans for the Memorial Day weekend! 
If you'd like an extra entry...
leave a second comment to let me know you are a follower 
(or just became a follower).

International friends are welcome to enter.
I'll draw a winner at random on the evening of May 25.
**Giveaway now closed**


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Sarita Leone said...

What a pretty post! Scrumptious!

Bells said...

i'm fairly new to quilting and haven't seen a pieced back before. What a lovely idea! Hello from Australia!

nimble fingers and steady eyebrows said...

It's my youngest son's first birthday this weekend, so we will be having a family picnic. Laura x

randi said... far we have an 18th birthday party to go to. we will probably try for a family hike too.


Linda at Roscoe's Ma said...

This quilt is really beautiful! I love the way the colors sort of dance. We haven't made plans for this weekend. I know I will spend a lot of it with my family. Thanks for the giveaway!

Traci said...

Ooooh--I would love to win! I've had my eye on that pattern for a while and I love your version!

We're going to visit family in Seattle!

Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in!

Kristy said...

We're going to Charleston, to visit friends - taking advantage of the long weekend for a visit!

needlegrrl at gmail

yorkie mom said...

Going camping for the holiday! I love that pattern. Your quilt in pink is wonderful! Thanks for the chance.

yorkie mom said...

I'm a new follower also! (Allison)

Julia Gabriel said...

Our long weekend is right now and we are just chiling!

Sharon said...

I'm attending my niece's college graduation party and catching up with my sis.

Lisa Chin said...

Beautiful pattern! I hope it will be sunny this weekend so we can finally get our summer vegetable garden planted. Have a great weekend!

Kristin said...

I have no plans for memorial day weekend. and it will be wonderful!

Pam said...

going to arkansas and putting out my grandma tombstone, wierd i know

Beth said...

Since we live too far from our family cemeteries to visit and decorate, our Memorial Day weekend will likely consist of baseball on tv and yardwork, if the sun decides to come out.

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

Anonymous said...

What a pretty quilt!
We plan to RELAX - stay close to home and take our daughter to the "touch a truck" function that the town is sponsoring.

Catskill Quilter said...

I love this quilt! I have not yet done a pieced back -- but I do like yours!

Catskill Quilter said...

I am a new follower! I saw your post about the bright collaborative quilt and I know I want to read more of your posts!

Chelsea said...

love that pattern!

we don't have memorial day here, but this weekend is the victoria day long weekend. i didn't have a ton planned, which is good since i got food poisoning!

Erin said...

I'm going to a Grace Potter concert and it's going to be rockin!

Homemaker Honey said...

picnic with family

G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:

Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com

leigh said...

I love this pattern! my plans for memorial day weekend include: BBQs and yard work. but i think it might rain - in which case - i hope to sew!

kbzelazny said...

Great giveaway-thanks! We're going to a picnic of course!

woodbines-creep said...

I actually don't have any plans for the upcoming weekend since my DH has to work the whole weekend through at the hospital :x So I plan on doing nothing, HA ;D

senjosuki at yahoo

woodbines-creep said...

I am a follower :)

senjosuki at yahoo

Laurie said...

i'm a follower - thanks for a chance to win - laurie

Laurie said...

i'm hoping to work on Memorial Day - time and a half! kaching :) thanks for a chance to win - laurie

Rachel said...

I am going to be marching in a parade this weekend, other than that nothing exciting!! :) Thanks for the chance to win, I have been coveting this pattern for a while now.


HappyQuilting at DewberryLane dot com

Anonymous said...

My plans are to try to relax a little and get ready for a bbq we're throwing the following weekend... it's a retirement/birthday party/baby shower all rolled into one! Haha.
Thank you for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

We are going to garden, garden, garden!

alisonDblanchard [at] yahoo [dot] com

Diane H said...

Great pattern and what a beautiful quilt. We've just had our holiday weekend here in Canada celebrating Victoria Day. Enjoy your holiday.

Bailey said...

Memorial day plans = potty training weekend. So it's poop and pee all the way!

Kacey said...


Shannon said...

gorgeous quilt!

my hubby will be home for the weekend! I will drag him and the toddler to a nearby lake place and burn pine needles and count birds and dig in the sand and eat---lots of eating!

Jazz @ My Oh Sew Sweet Life said...

We dont have memorial day in NZ but i will be going on a trip to the west coast!

Kassia said...

Oooo gorgeous pattern. Your quilt is lovely!!

Kassia said...

I'm a new follower too. :)

Stephanie said...

I plan to play all weekend w/ my daughter. Park, Pool, Splash pad, sand box, back yard.

Unknown said...

We're driving to NC to visit a baby.

Unknown said...

I love this! I'm so new to quilting and sewing! I cant wait to try something like this!

Michelle said...

i'd love a chance to win! we don't have any plans for memorial day weekend.. because we're in canada, lol!

Gina said...

Gorgeous quilt, love the colours! I'd love to win the pattern for this and give it a go myself. :)

As for the weekend, Monday is a bank holiday in England, so my husband will have a 3day weekend. We're planning on going to the farmers market on Saturday, and finish up some planting. I hope you have a nice weekend!

Luci said...

We will be celebrating a son's birthday and heading to a city about 4 hours away. Thanks!

Luci said...

I am a follower. Thanks!

Ronny said...

We are having a long weekend right now in Canada. It was great and restful! Thanks for the giveaway!

Alice said...

I am planning on doing yardwork. No fun, but definitely needs done.

Krysta said...

wow. I REALLY like that quilt. It would be lovely in greens and blues too. (my favorite colors. lol.)

tonight I am going rock-wall climbing with some friends. that will be fun. :)

p.s. my email is khsmiles(at)juno(dot)com

Krysta said...

I am also a new follower. :) You have some great quilts.

p.s. my email is khsmiles(at)juno(dot)com

Anonymous said...

That is a great pattern. We have a dance recital and lots of baseball planned for the weekend.

Quilting Melodies said...

I love new patterns. Memorial day for us is going to Idaho and visiting graves with flowers.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Eema-le said...

I don't really have any plans.Probably just hang out with friends, or take my girls to the park.

limor477 at aol dot com

Nanbon44 said...

I am not quite sure what the plans are for the weekend... maybe a few yard sales and later a cookout with the family.

Skooks said...

We usually spend Memorial Day out at the lake surrounded by extended family. It's always a fun and relaxing afternoon. :0


Kristy said...

Beautiful giveaway and blog, thank you for the fun!

Kristy said...

New TN follower too! :)

edeenut said...

That pattern looks so fun to make.

Patty said...

i hope to get swimming. Thanks!

Candice said...

This is a gorgeous pattern!! Thanks-

candy at fiber dot net

Jennyroo said...

This would be lovely to win - thanks for the great giveaway!

The Chics said...

We are enjoying a picnic with some friends on Saturday and my mom-in-law is hosting a full weekend sew-a-thon at her lovely home! So a retreat 3 minutes down the road with great food & friends! Should be a great weekend!!

Jenilyn said...

Cute quilt! I'll be spending my Memorial Day weekend at work! Yuck!! But it's my wedding anniversary so it will be a sweet day too! I'm hosting a giveaway too at

Linda said...

Just taking it easy this long weekend. Working on a quilt and visiting family. Great quilt. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

Ellie Roberts said...


Kristi said...

We are taking my son to see my grandparents and go to the zoo!
mindfulhome at gmail dot com

Megan said...

We'll be having a picnic at home. Thanks for the giveaway! megancparsons(at)gmail(dot)com

Heidi said...

What a beautiful quilt you made!
That pattern looks fun!
My blog is called Under the humble moon ;)

Erin M. said...

Great pattern. Thanks for the giveaway.

ellen said...

Wow. That's an amazing quilt.

My plans for Memorial Day are pretty much to spend as much time outside as possible--in the garden, on my bike, on the porch swing, etc.

Thanks for a great giveaway opportunity!

Lisa England said...

We had a big, fun family weekend this past weekend because both my husband and son have to be out of town for Memorial Day weekend. I'm looking at it as a great chance for lots of uninterrupted sewing.

two hippos said...

the pattern looks quite versatile, depending what fabrics are used to make it

Greta said...

I am planning on starting the weekend by babysitting my new nephew. Then I plan to lock myself in my sewing room and finish some projects.

Fran said...

Your quilt is lovely, it would be great to make this pattern - thanks for the chance to win. I live in Australia & we don't celebrate Memorial Day, so no plans here.

Sallie said...

We ALWAYS watch the Indy 500! Thanks for the giveaway!

Donura said...

I love the pattern and I am a new subscriber to your blog. My plans for Memorial Day is to go to a baby shower for one of my granddaughters who is having our 12th great grandchild. I will never run out of little ones to sew for. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Pat said...

I will be celebrating memorial Day with friends and will also be celebrating my birthday too. We will have a cook-out.

Pat said...

I am a follower

Cheryl R said...

Following in Google!

Cheryl R said...

Hoping for some picnicing time and some quilting time this weekend!

Staci said...

I'm following!

Staci said...

Love, love this pattern and have since the first time I ever saw it!
Thanks for participating in Giveaway Day!

LisaT said...

If we do anything we will probably go hiking on the Appalachian Trail - we live live about a mile away. (if it stops raining!)

Wendi said...

My husband is out of town, so I will be quilting most of the weekend, taking a day to celebrate my mom's birthday.
I fell in love with this pattern the first time I saw it. Your quilt is beautiful!

JustPam said...

I am having my family over for a picnic for Memorial Day.

james and bess said...

great giveaway! this weekend, i'll be relaxing - the kids' spring sports are over and we have nothing on the schedule - heaven!

bess :)
jbknav at hotmail dot com

Allison C said...

I'm going to be boring and bum it around the house....hopefully get some quilting done.

Vivian said...

Your quilt is lovely! So easy on the eyes.
Thank you for the chance for the pattern.
Your memorial day weekend is just a regular weekend for us up here in Canada, however we just had our 3 day weekend to honour Queen Victoria...and I went to Alaska for the day, it was great.

Vivian said...

Hi there! I'm back to say I'm now a follower. Thanks!

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

Why yes I'll follow you. I'm in the Japanese Fabric Swap with you. . yeah

Shanna of Fiber of All Sorts said...

lovely giveaway. For my holiday I'm looking to prepare for a week's vacation that my fella and I are taking. We will be visiting lots of areas of oregon.

Jennifer said...

This quilt pattern is so pretty! I really love the solid version.

Karin said...

I'm staying right here in south central Kansas. We're expecting a weekend visit by my brother's family from Olathe

Les said...

Family cookout!

A family of boys said...

Beautiful quilts! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. Hm...Memorial Day? We're not very exciting here. It will probably just be yardwork.

Ladybug said...

I am spending the weekend running from one graduation party to the next.

littlebitty said...

I'll be Spending time with my family and hopefully getting to some sewing!
dvdenter (at) gci (dot) net

Peach Rainbow said...

Since I am not from US I don't have any special plans!
thanks for the chance :D

angelina said...

thank yo uthis is lovely!

Binks said...

YAY! I definitely need a started quilt before diving in head first.

Elke said...

What great giveaway! I love your quilt, pretty rainbow colours. I live in Germany and Memorial Day is not a festivity at our country. It will be a normal weekend for me with working an saturday morning, cleaning and doing housework, playing with my childrens and maybe, I hope, sewing. I wish you a great weekend.

Deb said...

Beautiful quilt! This would be perfect for my boys who share a room...I've been looking for a pattern to make them matching quilts. Such fun - thanks for the chance!

Deb said...

I'm a new follower! I forgot to tell you that I'm doing "not much" for Memorial Day. We'll probably grill out, but no big plans. Thanks again!

Sara said...

Not much goin' on here for Memorial Day, hope to grill out and play in the backyard with the fam!

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the giveaway. It's lovely.

atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
My plans for memorial day are pretty much to go to work because Canada doesn't have it as a holiday, ours was last weekend with Victoria Day.

All Things Beautiful said...

We are going to the beach with friends and a couple graduations.

Christie S. said...

We'll probably be grilling a burger or two out back. Not going to hit the road this year. Wish the cost of gas would come down some more.

littlebluebirdie said...

beautiful quilt! we dont have any plans for memorial day, just family time.

Melinda said...

I kind of forgot it's a long weekend. Hmmm, maybe the pool...

rosewendy said...

What a beautiful quilt you've made. I'd love to enter your giveaway please. No memorial day here in Australia.

Gill said...

What a great pattern!
I love the colours you've chosen

Stephanie Granite said...

Since my plans for Saturday and Sunday are full of commitments at church I'm planning to spend Monday with the hubby and the dog just laying around on the patio!

Trish said...

I wanted to spend time outside but it rained!

Susan C. said...

No big plans! I think we'll have an indoor cookout, since we don't have a grill. Not quite the same, but still yummy! :)

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

I'd love to win! Our memorial day plans involve going to a baseball game. And eating hotdogs. :)

robin said...

I LOVE that pattern! Thanks! My plans are to hopefully go visit friends for the weekend.

robin said...

I'm now following with Google Reader... couldn't find a Google Friend Connect thingie on your page.

Michelle from Sew Shellz said...

Its my anniversary, but I told my husband that I wanted to go out on the lake and take the kids fishing. We can go out to a nice dinner Friday night if the sitter confirms with me today she can watch them.


Jessy said...

Well, since I am Canadian, we don't have Memorial Day, we have Victoria Day. And ours was this past weekend, not this coming weekend. My mom was here for a visit so we had a great time exploring the city and spending lots of time together!

Anonymous said...

Turned out beautiful. I love the quilting :)

Meg said...

I've managed a 4-day weekend this time around, so Friday will be spent running errands, and I believe I'll spend the rest of the weekend sewing and relaxing! (Sounds good--now we'll see if it happens!)

Irina said...

thanks for the chance! we don't celebrate memorial day... but I'd be probably spending time with my family!

Irina said...

Your quilt is beautiful in pink! I love the pattern, and I'm now following you

Laura said...

we are headed to disney world on memorial day so I imagine the weekend before we will be packing!

Emily said...

This weekend I'm going to the car racing track so my father can meet my boyfriend for the first time. Eek! Great pattern, thanks for hosting!

Lindsay Conner said...

Yep, I could see myself making this pattern someday. Thanks for the look!

JaideyBug said...

well I have no plans so I will be house sitting :) Haha not too exciting, but I will get some sewing done!
thanks for the giveaway.
jacy468 at aim dot com

Anonymous said...

My plans are to weed and to go to our local Memorial parade. Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

maybe a picnic

thanks for the giveaway


Anonymous said...

thanks for the giveaway


Anonymous said...

I'm planning on going camping with the husband and puppy - hopefully the weather cooperates!

starsandsunshineblog at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

And I'm a new follower!

aish82 said...

We don't have memorial day where I live in Ireland but hope you all have a nice time off.

Unknown said...

We do not celebrate it in Bulgaria, but we spend our weekends outside, playing, we make trips and have fun

Thanks for the chance to win


Jocelyn said...

What a great giveaway! I think we are planning on a quiet weekend. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway Day.

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with your squares in pink quilt!!!! I would love to make one of my own!!

My rather large family of 15, mother, daughters (I'm the oldest), son-in-laws and grandchildren will be having a cookout/fun games for the kids/party together for Memorial Day. Can't wait!

Michelle said...

Thanks for the chance to win. What a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Lovely quilt. I'm not American so I don't have any plans for Memorial Day.
Blogger's not working for me today, so I'll try being anonymous! shirleyssalad (at) gmail (dot) com

DangAndBlast! said...

I'm having a fabulous coworker come over to clean my house (for pay). She organizes and knows me well enough to know what I will want to keep and what I can throw away - joy! I'm really looking forward to it :)

Millie said...

This weekend will be spent celebrating my twin daughter's 3rd birthday.

Valerie said...

I plan to go to a fiber festival and the flea market and eat lots of cupcakes for my birthday Sunday.

Stacy said...

What a great giveaway! I think we are going to just rest & relax with my husband that will be off! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your quilt is beautiful! We aren't planning much for Memorial Day as my DH gets a rare extra day off and it's supposed to be rainy, rainy, rainy. Oh well, we'll enjoy hanging out inside.

Pat V. said...

Your "Seeing (pink) Squares is just lovely. I'd like to have a go at this one! Memorial Day -- no big plans. Perhaps if it stops raining...

Pat V. said...

I am now following your blog.

Suzanne said...

No holiday weekend here in Canada but we just had one and enjoyed it at home.

Marissa said...

We'll be going to a wedding.

Amorette said...

we plan to spend time at the zoo and with my in-laws, whom i adore (rare, i know!)

asdrexler at gmail dot com

Shayla Sharp said...

Gorgeous quilt! This weekend I'm hoping to quilt and garden (and sleep in)!

Rachel D said...

What a great giveaway! Thank you :)

Anonymous said...

May do a bbq with my son and grandson.

Renee G said...

My mom is headed to visit my sister for six weeks after the holiday weekend, so for the holiday we are going to get together and just hang out before she leaves.

Tawny said...

Well, it was Victoria Day long weekend here in Canada last weekend. We had our friends over for a BBQ. Cheers!

bethany said...

My mom is coming to town and we are going to have some fun family time!!

Micmacker said...

Sweet giveaway! Memorial Day weekend = gardening, cook outs, and sewing if it rains.

Margaret said...

We have no plans for the weekend--yay!

kristinorth said...

We're going to a baseball tournament. Thanks for a chance to win!

Kate said...

I plan to sew on Memorial Day weekend, visit with friends and eat!

fern said...

i'm planning on sewing!

Janet said...

Love your pink and green quilt. We don't celebrate Memorial Day but I think it might be the same time as our Victoria Day (yes we celebrate a queen who died 400 years or so ago). We did some camping and some gardening on our weekend. It was fun, if a little bit grey and rainy. Thanks for a chance at your giveaway.

Rachael said...

I'm going to my cousins wedding shower! Exciting! Thanks!

Anna said...

Thanks for a chance to win! I'll be spending the weekend at the beach with family.

QuiltBeadRun said...

Love the pattern, would love to win. Buying new running shoes Saturday, running the Amy Thompson Race for brain injuries Monday, then celebrating my birthday Tuesday.

Annmarie said...

Wow I really like that pattern. And I keep thinking I need to make a pink & green quilt - perfect! I just became a follower & can't wait to see what you're up to!

Annmarie said...

I'm having a rummage sale Memorial Day weekend. So is the whole neighborhood - should be fun!

Mary P said...

For memorial day weekend I am planning to be outside as much as possible!

Bellgirl said...

What a gorgeous pattern! We don't have Memorial Day in Australia, but hopefully that weekend I'll be sewing!

Bellgirl said...

...and I'm a new follower!

Memories By Me said...

We are heading to the beach bash that the base is having for Memorial weekend! thanks for the chance to win! Have a great Memorial day!

Jagels said...

i'm going to sew, sew, sew. thanks from a fellow Kansan

Jenny said...

we plan to garden over the weekend...and to set up our rain barrels...they have been painted, and now to hook them up to the gutters...kinda exciting...nice weather forecasted too! thanks for a chance, this pattern is amazing

Victoria said...

I am either doing yard work in the sunshine or quilting and going to the movies in the rain.

Jennifer Mathis of Ellison Lane said...

We plan to stay home, enjoy the back yard and cook out. :) fun family time. Thanks for the opportunity!

Ramona said...

This pattern looks so fun. I will be going to a big flea market and then to a friend's house for a barbecue.
ramona_murray at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

I think I'm going to be stripping wall paper over Memorial Day weekend. Sounds like fun doesn't it, lol!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower.

BrittanyGale said...

Awesome pattern! Thanks for the giveaway :D


BA said...

BBQ at the lake with family and friends, cant wait!!

Jen said...

I'm going to a BBQ to visit with some friends in town from overseas. I'm bringing Bacon Deviled Eggs. Doesn't that just sound delish?!

Cricket said...

I love that pattern! I have gone back and forth about buying it. I would love to make one, but there is already so much to do. But if I *won* a copy... I could just start one more project, right?

This weekend my youngest daughter and husband are going on a trip, and my older daughter and I are painting her room 'big kid'. Which means: she begs for pink and mama tries to make sure it doesn't look like a pepto bismol explosion in the end. We definitely don't see eye to eye on paint. I'm pretty sure I'll have my way, though.

Cricket said...

I am a follower of Shea's, and now I am a follower of yours, too! And you are right about sewing with friends. It is really nice.

mennikelly said...

I'm painting this weekend.

Melissa said...

I have to work all weekend. :(

Thank you for the giveaway. Love this pattern.

Melissa said...

I'm a new follower.

Jansie said...

Hi there, I plan on having a bbq with my extended family and enjoying the day off!

Thanks for the chance to win this cool pattern.


Jansie said...

And I am a new follower. :)

Unknown said...

Love that quilt! Thanks from the giveaway.

ecuakim said...

we're headed to our local aquarium!

Mike and Jackie said...

I am going to celebrate my birthday for Memorial Day.

T. Rehder said...

I will probably be heading to the park with my little ones. I think a barbeque is in order!

Leigh said...

I just started using Pinterest and that pattern cover was one of the first things I pinned! It's stunning! My town has the "World's Largest Brat Fest" (as in bratwurst) this weekend, so we'll be heading to that!

Lynn said...

great work! i'm doing a photo shoot and putting up a fence!

Lynn said...

i'm a new follower!

Jessica said...

Looks like a great pattern. Love your quilt!

jessica (at) homfamily (dot) com

Shana Putnam said...

we will be cooking out and swimming for memorial day. like many people I suppose lol. thanks.

Edamommy2 said...

XD We live in a "seasonal" area so I imagine I'll be working. If not, I'll be escorting two of my kids to a birthday party. ^_-

Amanda2089 said...

I'm babysitting memorial weekend, so kids everywhere, lol! I love this quilt pattern!

Charlotte said...

Hi from New Zealand .. of course memorial weekend means nothing to me, but we have Queen's Birthday Weekend here at the start of June. We have no plans except for doing some work on our new house,

Tas said...

We don't have Memorial Day Down Under but this weekend I am running away from my family for 4 days for a sewing weekend. Yeehah!

mellowpuff said...

What a pretty pattern!
No Memorial Day where I live, but our next public holiday will be a day trip to an old town on a river... Fingers crossed this nice weather keeps up.

Em said...

Memorial Day weekend, my husband and I will celebrate 8 years of marriage (well, the Tuesday following, we were married on May 31).

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