Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little Houses

I made these little houses for Tia's quilt along. I started them Friday night at my retreat and finished them up by lunch time on Saturday. When I made the last one, I swore I'd never make another! But now I'm looking at them again and they are kind of cute. I think my frustration stemmed from knowing I brought so much I wanted to work on and these were taking me much longer than I anticipated. Tia said she whipped her's out in 45 minutes!

There was definitely a learning curve with estimating how much a seam allowance would shrink the size and remembering not to put the roof on before I sewed on the air around the walls of the house. The doors, windows and a chimney are raw edge applique.

I think I might try ONE of these again for a small project when I can focus on lots of cuteness and when I feel like I have a little extra time to spend.

I cut the pieces with scissors, very free form, estimating sizes I'd need.

I tried a mushroom shape but the curved piecing wasn't working out, even though I pinned it like crazy!
This one might be my favorite. Any idea what tall item is beside the house? I'm still trying to figure it out!


Anonymous said...

The quilt is going to be gorgeous. Popped over from BYW. I love fabric and have caught the quilting bug.

ilovebabyquilts said...

That's a palm tree next to the house, like the ones you see in Beverly Hills! I like your little houses!


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