Monday, March 21, 2011

Is it Fate?

Glee's Signature Quilt

What a day! It's almost midnight but I had to sit down with a cup of tea and touch base with you all before I end my day since I said I'd be back. I had to say goodbye to my much loved but very old car today and find something new (to me) that won't leave us sitting on the side of the road. A few errands, picking up a friend's dog from the vet, soccer practice, dinner, dishes, more dishes...= no time for sewing. I'm smiling though after reading such kind comments from everyone at Stash Manicure and those who stopped by here today. Thank you!

I'll share a neat story about the antique quilt pictured above since I don't have any sewing to share.

We have a stack of quilts from my husband's grandmother. My husband's mother and I were looking at them at Thanksgiving and spent some time with this particular quilt. It's a signature quilt with signatures of family and friends from roughly 50 or 60 years ago. The signature you see in the photo is of my father-in-law. I also happens to be my first two initials and last name! What are the odds that quilt would end up with someone who has the same name and loves quilts even when they are worn and tattered. It must be fate :)

Don't you just love the hand quilting in the border?


LindaB said... are very blessed to have so many treaures passed down to you...just found you via SM and have been reading through your have a lovely your "Bloom Strong" quilt...maybe you can do a tutorial....LindaB (aust)

Sherry said...

What a neat stoey about the quilt it was ment to be in your hands.


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